NFSC members expressed their birthday wishes to Mr. Miles Guo via their handwritten cards

1 year ago

5/10/2023【Happy Birthday To Miles Guo】NFSC members such as Bihai Lantian, Abing, Wenle, Elias, and Dan Wang expressed their birthday wishes to Mr. Miles Guo via their handwritten cards, and they stated their determination to keep fighting the CCP while turning their longing into motivation to fight. They chanted slogans together in front of Capitol Hill: "Free Miles Guo! Take down the CCP!"
#MilesGuo #HappyBirthday #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
5/10/2023 【遥祝七哥生日快乐】碧海蓝天、阿丙、文乐、Elias和Dan Wang等战友用手写的卡片,祝愿七哥生日快乐,并表示坚持灭共,把思念化作战斗的动力。战友们一起在国会山前喊起口号:“释放郭文贵!消灭中共!”
#郭文贵先生 #生日快乐 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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