…WEF order govt's to arrest citizens who read alternate news?

1 year ago

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WEF order govt's to arrest citizens who read alternate news
9.10 Coronation_Metropolitan_Police_'regrets'_arrest_of_six
11.39 charles what did they see
12.54 stick your coronation up your arse
13.09 slavery is alive
13.22 small dose death
14.08 sponsored by Pfizer
15.03 Under eyes circles
15.29 wireless tech and disease
16.14 u guna be ok
18.23 f e map auto pilot
19.22 old tech you never knew
20.12 onion oil hair growth
21.11 oregano oil
22.00 Greece kicking off as well
22.32 Ron_Johnson_Short_2_The Deathly Fear
23.25 Ron_Johnson_Short_3_ Get tested and do nothing
24.24 sharpest object is soft
24.56 sick bitch
27.01 the rules
30.00 mud flood tartaria coin
30.19 nationalists
31.19 natural remedy for sour throat
32.13 never sick using nature
32.52 new brain cell growth
33.38 new brain cell growth
34.31 Notice a pattern - - The victim is a 12 year old white girl.
35.11 old tech better than now
37.24 Prosecution for Murder
38.31 humic acid
39.18 imran khan arrested
39.40 imran supporters destroy general’s house
40.23 immigrant attacks on whites
41.04 more illegals
41.52 mosquito repellent
43.05 banned lab grown meat
43.25 even birds can spot evil
43.51 f e nasa
44.06 flax seed
44.21 frequency fibration
45.01 ginger poulteses
46.22 government should know nothing about us
46.52 history lies 1
48.22 are you aware of world government
50.31 biden tells the truth
50.47 bio pod
51.46 ceo okia chip implants
52.08 Business_of_the_House who

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…WEF order govt's to arrest citizens who read alternate news?

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