Does This 5000 Year Old Text Have The Most Accurate Depiction Of Earth

1 year ago

This is 'The Book Of The Course of the Luminaries", from 1 Enoch, contemporarily, we could call it 'The Book Of The Stars'. Officially, depending on which version one reads, this part is called "The Course Of The Heavens", or "The Courses Of The Heavenly Luminaries"".
How the heavens and earth really operate, from The Book Of Enoch, Chapters 24-79.

This video depicts a 3D model of the Biblically described, enclosed Plane Earth. It includes the Biblical descriptions of the earth, its weather, the various functions of the dome / Firmament, the workings of the luminaries, their respective portals and gateways at the ends of the earth and more.
For the complete book of Enoch, with it’s more complete description of the true cosmos go here:

The Book Of Enoch, when combined with the information in the book of Genesis, gives the best description of earth ever written down, and puts NASA to shame. One might ask, how did a desert dweller between 3000-6000 years ago know this detailed information about earth? Including, how many types of deciduous trees are on earth, the real structure of the skies, sun, moon and earth, the weather and water cycles, among many other equally amazing, prescient observations?..... amazing stuff really. I think after combining this with Genesis and the rest of bible and the apocrypha it becomes clear that this is divinely inspired, with no other logical explanation even coming close. The Bedford Level Experiments and EVERY other empirical observation has proven earth IS a level plane. We weigh both pros and cons of the argument, and there is simply ZERO evidence for a ball earth. Therefore, by default earth is a creation. Then who created it? or what created it? Only one source claims to be the one and only creator, the one and only true God above all others. Would such a being create the earth, humans, animals, all love, the stars, angels, the heavens....and then not leave any instructions? Would the instructions be a tangible written stone tablet, or might not the creator use the idea of faith, and pass his message through certain people... conduits... (biblically known as prophets), at specific times, who relate his instructions in an exacting, divinely inspired way....

This is a short info piece designed to spread the info as far as possible. If you enjoyed this video, please don't forget to Share and Subscribe.

For me this is a labour of love, while nowhere near perfect, I still spend countless hours thinking about and working on these things, trying to get them just so. I know some don’t understand the miracles it takes to pull these videos off sometimes. So when someone comes along and steals them, not because they believe in the cause, but purely for money, it gets personal. When my projects are complete I want people to actually see them on my channel, not some pretender.
Also, some people are asking that I do shorter movies. I try to do my vids so viewers may benefit from a second or often third viewing. I try to pack them with info so that there's often something missed or something completely new to take away from a second viewing.

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