#099 The Slippery Slope And Minors, It’s Here. -Further Every Day

1 year ago

Did the UN explicitly say that they want to legalize adult sexual interaction with minors? No. But did they open the doors? Yes. Some will argue the point that the text in the March 8th declaration is speaking of like aged individuals only. The March 8th document does not make any distinction between ages of children vs adults, but it only points to consent as the key issue. The trouble with this is that there is no way for a child to consent and no minimum age is expressed and certainly no age gap.

Now, you may say that this is all overblown, “republicans pounce” nonsense. Well, look at how the UN has conducted itself in regards to sexual abuse from within its own ranks. This will shed a heinous light on the phraseology: "sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law. In this context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions of engaging in consensual sexual conduct."

Up to 60,000 cases of sexual assault were committed by UN workers within one decade. -https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/un-child-rape-sex-exploitation-united-nations-antonio-guterres-prosecutions-immunity-trial-a7956816.html

This all leads to the why? Why is this happening? A lack of accountability? A corruption of governmental agencies that attracts these types of criminals? A reduced penalty for such acts? A lack of God in the Culture? Indeed, all of the above are correct. But why are we leaning into it? Why are we seeing more of this in the United States as well?

In Minnesota HF1655 would remove the exception for pedophilic proclivities from the protected sexual orientation statuses for the state. For those who didn’t catch it, that means the state will not prosecute pedophilia. Link here:

Why is there an activist movement to legalize the abuse of children? We could theorize about a pedophilic cabal who wish to make their previous misdeeds legal. We could assume that these people have desires that they wish to explore, but haven’t yet. We could think they are perhaps misguided idealists, detached from reality. Any of these examples might be true, pending the subject, but the truth is even more bizarre. We are fighting a Spiritual War that many of these people do not even know they are taking part in. This is an issue as old as Ashtoreth and Molech, the Cannanite demons of sexual deviancy and child abuse.

We as Christians need to stand firm. When someone calls you backward for believing in a moral right and wrong concerning children, remind them that it was the so-called backwards Judeo-Christian faith that pulled us out of the barbaric abuses of women and children seen in ancient times. The so-called Progressive wishes to bring us back. We free the slaves, empower women, and enrich the minds of children only to have the Regressive attempt to divide by race, enslave women to the bondage brought on by the sexual revolution, and dim the minds of children by calling grades racist. Remember who you are and from where God has brought you. Maybe then you can show others God’s work in love and kindness.

#fed #christianity #furthereveryday #podcast #america #woke #rights #minnesota #UN #march8th

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