TRI - 5/10/2023 - Reddit Rant - Justice, Or A Smear Campaign?

1 year ago

The jury verdict in New York finding President Trump liable for sexual assault from an incident in the 90s is the latest Rorschach test served up to the American public. If you already hate Donald Trump, I expect you’re chortling in delight over this latest data point reinforcing your viewpoint. If you already hate the twisting of the media and the justice system so common in places like New York, you’re howling in frustration over this latest data point reinforcing your viewpoint.

More and more we are a people who see only what we want to see, and too often fail to challenge what we are shown. Evidence unchallenged hardens into belief that is resistant to rational discourse.

Whether Donald Trump is a monster who repeatedly assaults women or not, most people have made up their minds one way or the other. Since these allegations are (I expect) universally outside the statute of limitations, the primary purpose for airing them is to reduce Donald Trump’s chances in 2024.

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