stew peters can suck it

1 year ago

I will debate u any time of day. Your bias false bullshit is moronic. Pushing products for money. We have enough propaganda news putting a different spin on it dosent make it better.
Pushing cbd . Learn how it works u moron study neurology and come back with facts u clown. You sheep jump from one bandwagon to another in desperation to hope that the truth or some good or i dont know what. One assclown vs another. Goal is money. Period.
Trump or biden how about neither. Trump and his we make great vaccines bc we are the best. Project warp speed here fauci do what u want. How about picking who is honest for fuck sake.

Listen to everything and somwhere in the entire bullshit lies u might figure out the truth.
Ppl want money . Period they will do or say whatever to make this happen at the end of the day. I get 0 from what i say. My website gets 0. I push no agenda for money. Unlike all the other crack pots . Everyone pushes whatever pays the bills . Period

CBD - fact refuces inflammation at best.

Stew peters can suck it.
CNN CBC NBC MSN apple news cp global can all suck it also.

Its not about the right or the left. Blue or red. Its about the truth. This division bullshit is exactly what the elitists want. They win we lose stop being a fuxking sheep looking foe what bandwagon to jump on.

Trump isnt gonna save shit pierre Polilvee wont save shit. Choosing the lessser evil isnt a fuxking choice.
North America is doomed and u sheep are playing right into their hands.

Only truth and justice without greed or bias is the only true path. Everyone has a fucking opinion and that means nothing. Facts and true science. Debates discussion not all this nonesense that cant be questioned from both sides

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