Fill Us Afresh | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | June 2, 2023

1 year ago

Fill Us Afresh | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | June 2, 2023

Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?  Psalm 85:6 

When we consider the state of the world today, the true saving element at work (between the time now and the end) is the Holy Spirit. He is in the lives of believers. He is in the church working and moving. At the point the rapture happens, the world truly will be a dark place. No longer will the presence of God be in the world in the way it is now…raptured saints will depart and leave a void that will lead to many to go down a path of hopelessness and despair.

We can forget and often minimize the work of the church and the power of what it actually means to be “spirit-filled Christians.” When we trust in Jesus, we are filled with His Spirit. This is such an amazing thought to consider and to know this power is at work within us. What we have too often relied upon is our own strength and abilities. As a church we have neglected the power of prayer meetings and altar calls. We have over-programmed to the point where we minimize the Spirit’s work. Our constant prayer today and everyday must be: fill us afresh, may we see a move in our day like no other!

Question for today: Am I tapped into the presence of the Holy Spirit each day and relying upon His direction for my life?

Pray: Fill us afresh O Lord! We need You Holy Spirit in order to impact this world.

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