Old Fashion Masonic Podcast - Episode 8 – Jeff Sowder – Mr Freemason – Part 2

1 year ago

We are starting 2023 off with a BANG!!!! Part 2 of Jeff Sowder’s interview with the Old Fashion Masonic Podcast We split Imperial Sir Jeff’s interview up into two different parts; one strictly Masonic was covered in Part 1 and the Part 2 focuses on Jeff’s journey through Midian Shrine.

On this episode the crew interviewed Imperial Sir Jeff Sowder about his journey as a Shriner to the top rank of Imperial Potentate. This Shriner has done it all! We go into detail about Jeff’s Shrine journey and all things he dealt with while being on the 10 year line up to the rank of Imperial Potenate.

Listening to this episode, you will no doubt how Jeff was able to serve the craft in many different ways.

Sowder was born and raised in Toronto, Kansas. He operates four separate agricultural-related corporations, including a cow/calf operation, a retail feed business serving ranchers throughout the Flint Hills of Kansas, a wholesale cattle mineral business with distribution in four states, and a multi-faceted agricultural wholesale/retail business in Wichita.

Sowder and his wife, Cheryl, have been married for 48 years and have two daughters, Stephanie and Lindsay. Stephanie and her husband, Jamie Nelson, live near Toronto, Kansas, with their three children, Corinne, Sutton and Reid. Lindsay is married to John Hill, and they live in Fort. Scott, Kansas, with their sons, JJ and Hudson.

Brief Masonic Bio:
• Raised a Master Mason in 1975 at Woodson Lodge #121 (Toronto, KS)
• Past Master of Woodson Lodge in 1981, 1983, 1991 and 1992.
• He served as a District Deputy Grand Master, Area Deputy Grand Master, and Chairman of the Grand Lodge Membership Committee, and serving as an appointive Grand Officer on three separate occasions.
• Elected Grand Junior Warden in 1994.
• He served as Grand Master of Kansas in 1997.
• Created as a Shriner, at Midian Shrine Center, in 1988.
• He served as the Scottish Rite Personal Rep from 2006 to 2009.
• Served as the Kansas Masonic Foundation President from 2004 to 2011.
• He served as Potentate of Midian Shrine in 2004.
• Elected as the Imperial Outer Guard in 2009.
• He served as Imperial Potentate in 2020.
• Jeff currently serves on a building committee for Midian Shrine Center.

This episode of “One Must Go” is a choice between eliminating a vacation place forever, mountains, beach, Las Vegas, and a Cruise. What vacation type would you choose to eliminate forever?

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This podcast reflects the views of only the members participating in the podcast. They do not necessarily reflect the views of their Lodge, Shrine Center or Grand Lodge Jurisdiction

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