BABYLON Killing Fields - Fattening of the Calf

1 year ago

Just a thought... Pesach / Passover 2023 April 5th - 13th
Shavuot / Pentecost 2021 begins at sundown on Thursday May 25, 2023, and concludes at nightfall on Shabbat, May 27, 2023.
pagans have Whit Sunday May 28, 2023

BPEarthWatch Jessie

He is right! Said it for years, when virtually all clergy, save for Armstrong, would not accept or teach it. When I was a boy, it was a virtually forbidden topic in church.. interpreting Revelations.
We are the great melting pot of all the tongues of the many world nations.

Think about another point he made in his original video. Are they just promising illegals things for VOTES? They've already got that wrapped up!!!

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