If I Ever Lose My Faith in You by Sting ~ God, Before All Other Things...

1 year ago

When Colleen and I began six years ago, sharing that BOTH the Music and Movie Industries were filled with Divine, Brilliant Souls that were sharing some of the Most Valuable Teachings in our History, we were Roughly greeted by the 'Truth Community', who were Ready and Willing to throw out the Baby with the Bath Water, and Lump EVERYONE who was 'Famous' in together as purely EVIL, when the EXACT Opposite is True...

One such 'Star' was, and is, Gordon Sumner, better known as STING...as a member of 'The Police', he was considered GUILTY before any Trial was Ever given...and for Six years Colleen and I have given these Misjudged Characters a Fair Defense, and in doing so, showed not only their INNOCENCE before such False Charges, but have Hallowed their Names for being some of the Most Courageous and Intelligent Souls that this World has ever known...and NONE more so than Sting...

This Song, If I Ever Lose My Faith in You, is not only a Love Song to God, but it is also Sting's TESTIMONIAL, before All Eyes, that he Knows he possesses NOTHING in his Life without God Front and Center in it...

Sting is a Brilliant Songwriter and Musician, who wrote the most FANTASTIC Songs, all in the Name of God's Truth, and revealed the Truth about the Cabal, as being the Truly Vile Scum that they are...a True Knights Templar, who did what was RIGHT in his Music, and NOT what was Easy...

Love, CF

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Charlie Freak and Colleen:

Justin Carpenter:

Aaron X Jesse:

Enjoy, Love, CF

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