What is a man. Remember the Protective Warrior.

1 year ago

I only offer my opinions from inside, I understand that many are not ready to hear my nonsense but I guarantee that one thing, even just a wee cuckoo fart of truth will come to mean something to you.
The hardest thing is letting go of the truth network of support but once you learn to walk alone and be your own teacher, it is easy sailing from there on.
Yes you will have bad days, struggles within and mini breakdowns but unless to see and learn of you from them you will continue to suffer the same results.

We have no more time for chasing, we must begin to learn to walk again unaided and worry about the crawlers later. We are as important to the now and future just as our purity in truth is for existence.

Think I'm exaggerating? OK, I love being wrong.
Do you deserve to exist and become more? I do, even the arseholes.

Much L❤ve


Keep an A.I. on the beast system as it is advertised and promoted to greedy people, as help and the answer to those who know not it's true goals nor capabilities...possibly.

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