Sound Theology for Christian Women with Susan Heck

1 year ago

On today’s Equipping You in Grace Dave and Susan Heck discuss how husbands can encourage and help their wives flourish in the Word, why women should learn to study the Bible and help others to the same, how and why Christian married couples can talk through biblical and theological topics together, and much more on this new episode.

What you’ll hear in this episode
• Christian Married couples talking through Bible and theological topics together.
• Why Titus 2:3-5 supports older women teaching younger women and older men teaching younger men.
• What “teach what is good” in Titus 2 means and why it is important.
• Why teaching women how to study the bible and to teach other women to do the same thing is a good thing.
• Why we don’t see the distinction between academic and devotional theology in Scripture.
• Why complementarian theology is good for women.
• Why women can teach other women through social media, articles, podcasts, conferences, etc.
• Susan’s counsel to women being attacked by men who suggest all they should do is teach their own children and be only concerned with the sphere of the home and that which is connected to the home.
• How husbands can encourage and help their wives flourish in the Word.

About Our Guest
Susan Heck was married for 46 years to her beloved husband and pastor, Doug Heck, who was a faithful Shepherd for 50 years, until the Lord took him to glory in August 2021. Susan has been involved in Women’s Ministries for about 40 years. This included teaching Bible Studies, counseling, and heading up Ladies with the Master women’s ministry at Grace Community Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma ( Visit her website With the Master for more from Susan.
Susan is a certified counselor with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors ( since 2003. She is also the author of With the Master Bible study series for ladies. She also has authored; A Call to Discipleship, Putting-Off Life Dominating Sins; A Call to Scripture Memory; A Message of Assurance: Twenty Tests for God's Children; What Does a Spirit Filled Marriage Look Like?; Speaking the Truth in Love in a Post Truth World; and The Liberating Gospel. Susan’s teaching ministry is an outgrowth of her memorization work on the Bible. She has memorized the entire New Testament along with two books from the Old Testament which include Ecclesiastes, Jonah and several of the Psalms and is now journeying her way through more of the Old Testament. To God be the glory!
Susan Heck has two grown children, and seven grandchildren. Both children and their spouses are in full time ministry. Because of the enthusiastic ladies who attend the Bible Studies that Susan teaches, and because of the life changes, Susan has been invited to speak to a number of ladies groups, both nationally and internationally. Susan loves to minister her gift of teaching to women.

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