CIA Gateway Process Analysis Explained | Consciousness and Physiology of the Spiritual | P2

1 year ago

Skip to 16:45 for Gateway Analysis

In this video, I cover the relationship between frisson and the spiritual/religious as well as cover corresponding sections of the CIA Gateway Process Analysis. My intention is to help those connect the dots between science and the spiritual/religious. To heed advice from Nikola Tesla, we must think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. I encourage everyone to try the Gateway tapes and read the entire CIA article as well. Keep in mind it is nearly 40 years old, imagine what is known now! It is awesome to be living in these times when a civilization's scientific prowess is just beginning to perceive and understand its intuitive and spiritual nature.

CIA Gateway Process Analysis and Assessment:

Gateway Tapes:

Resonance Experiment:

Quantum Non-Locality Explained:

Quantum Entanglement explained simply:

Standford Professor Russell Targ on Remote Viewing:

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Explains the Quantum Hologram that is the Universe:

Mind Reality from scientist Travis Taylor:

Monroe Institute Teacher, William Buhlman, discusses his 40+ years experience of teaching OBEs:

Dr. Emoto Water Experiment:

Law of Vibration:

Epigenetics Explained:

Heart's Electro-Magnetic Field Explained:

Jhanas Explained:

Neuroplasticity Explained:

Stalking the Wild Pendulum Audiobook (Free):

My Text : Frisson (aka goosebumps/chills) is essentially the "scientific" term for your chakra energy, kundalini, chi, piti, prana, holy spirit, life force, vibration, etc. among many other names depending on cultural lens. This is what you are attempting to build up during transcendental meditation. Most people who experience frisson for the first time get it from music, which does help develop your nervous system for it. However, self-inducing it boils down to your beliefs, perceptions, emotions, and your control over them (ASMR is essentially the involuntary version). Many eastern religions prescribe detachment from materials for this very reason. By detaching, you release all expectation, which is the root source of any dissatisfaction. It's all in the mind no matter how negative we perceive somethings to be. Spirituality is essentially the development of your emotions, which are a direct result of both your conscious and sub-conscious beliefs. Strong positive emotions will cause frisson so technically you can get it doing virtually anything that brings those out (i.e., meditation, chi-gong, yoga, tantra, dancing, singing, running, movies, video games, reading, listening to speeches, etc. Whatever moves you emotionally. Binaural beats can help induce it as well.) Meditation is unique in that you build it up slowly, while sustaining it, and eventually reach a peak. Whereas in waking-state activities, it tends to come in the quick, intense bursts that most of us are familiar with (usually arms, back, or neck to begin). While meditating, once you build it up sufficiently, your heart and blood pressure must become nearly unnoticeable for the frisson/piti to hit its peak or "rapture" (Look up CIA Gateway Process or read Stalking the Wild Pendulum by Itzhak Bentov i.e., bifurcation echo section). The peak of your frisson/piti or "rapture" is all about lowering your heart rate and sustaining it while keeping your awareness single-pointed (focused on one thing i.e., breath). The frisson/piti can become very intense, even uncomfortably so. If you are able to sustain the low heart rate, you will enter a deep state of transcendental meditation, also called a Jhana. You will know because you will enter a state of extreme bliss. It's impossible to confuse once you get it. There are more stages after this one as well. Remember frisson is the key sensation, go after it as much as possible whether meditating or not. It all helps strengthen it and if it hasn't risen to the crown of your head yet, it just may. Over time, you will feel it simply by taking a deep, calming breath or having a pleasant thought. Much love to all.

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