"Walk With The King" Program, From the "Appreciation" Series, titled "He Answers Your Cry"

1 year ago

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"Walk With The King" Program, Practical & Encouraging Messages From The Ministry of Dr. Robert A. Cook.
From the "Appreciation" Series, titled: "He Answers Your Cry" (Broadcast #6612)
Scripture References: Mark 15:1-22

Learn about Dr. Cook's ministry at https://www.walkwiththeking.org/


Alright, thank you very much. And hello again, radio friends, how in the world are you? Are you doing alright today? Oh, I trust so. I pray that God may have some loving word, some bit of eternal truth that may just exactly fit your need. As these precious moments go by I’m so keenly aware of the fact that those who listen to these broadcasts have very real needs. And the radio ministry doesn’t mean anything unless it meets a need. And so I pray every day that God may put something in the message that will just exactly meet your need. I pray that that may be so.

Well, let’s look now again at Mark Chapter 15. They’ve brought our Lord Jesus out of the palace of the high priest, they’ve bound him and now they’re bringing him to Pilate. Pilate asked Him, “Aren’t thou the King of the Jews?” And He said, “Thou sayest.” In other words, “Yes, I am.” And the chief priests accused Him of many things, but He answered nothing. Pilate asked Him again, saying, “Answerest thou nothing? Behold how many things they witness against thee.” Mark doesn’t record the comment that John puts in, “Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above. Therefore he that delivered me unto thee had the greater sin.” Remember that?

The necessity to answer does not rest with almighty God. He doesn’t have to answer for anything. When He does, it’s because He wants to reveal Himself to you. Let me just take a little detour here for the sake of somebody who needs encouragement along this line. Somebody listening has been praying earnestly about a matter, and you don’t seem to get anywhere and you feel like giving up. You say, “Oh, God doesn’t answer,” and that, “It doesn’t work,” and, “Prayer doesn’t work,” and, “What am I gonna do now?” And you’re really all upset because you haven’t really heard from Heaven. See, God isn’t obligated to answer our questions. He has obligated Himself to answer our cry. Do you know the difference?


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Isaiah 55:11:
“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”

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