S1E49 | "Kevin Sutherland Pt 2 - Breaking My Silence On Surviving Systemic Child Care Home Abuse"

1 year ago

Kevin Sutherland is BACK for Part 2 of his journey to be heard and have justice served. In this Part 2, we step into the second part and phase of his story that took place after he was out of the care home system: Discovering pedophiles he found on chat lines, recording their conversations, exposing them, and ultimately serving just under 2 years in the prison system for blackmail. Not only that, but the media wrote his story painting him as a violent and malicious criminal instead of an abuse survivor looking to get retribution after no one would help him.

This episode brings up a couple very important questions and conversations:

What causes a young person to commit crimes and why is the root cause not being investigated the same as the criminal acts?

What flaws exist in our system that allow for a criminal investigation to occur on someone like Kevin who was exposing offending criminals, but no investigation took place looking into his child abuse allegations or into the allegations of the offending ped-ophiles that he was exposing and reporting to authorities?

By not validating the voices of survivors (many of them children when they first start experiencing abuse) we are massively failing our children and young adults. We know trauma and abuse come with many side effects, yet we blame the survivor for making the best choices they know how while not offering guidance into validating their stories and investigating their abusers. We talk in depth about this during the interview and I hope it shines light on your perceptions as much as it did mine.

The root cause of many misguided young adults and adults boils down to child abuse in many cases and yet it's never taken into account when they are going through the abuse system or end up being criminalized for mistakes they didn't know they didn't have to make. If we would only listen to them and validate them and guide them back to love, compassion, empathy, and justice... what difference would that make in the life of someone like Kevin?

Instagram: @KevinSutherlandX
Telegram: @KevinSutherlandX

All links here: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast

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