"Doctrines of Demons": Famous Catholic Priest Roasts "Evil" Pope Francis

1 year ago

Jorge Bergolio aka Pope Francis is not Catholic and is a "fraud" from "hell" who no more upholds Catholic teaching than the Dalai Lama, argued Father James Altman, whose sermons during Covid went mega-viral, in this interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman from the First Landing 1607 Project event in Virginia Beach. "He is evil," added the Catholic priest, saying the pope was teaching doctrines of demons. "He's from hell." 

Altman, who very publicly defied orders to shutter his parish, also said bishops and other ecclesiastical authorities who closed churches during Covid will answer to God for their decision. It was wrong for pastors and churchmen to shut their churches—especially as Planned Parenthood continued killing babies, liquor stores continued peddling intoxicating liquors, and even Walmart sold its wares. 

Somehow amid that, churches were deemed "non-essential" and shut down, something Fr. Altman said was beyond outrageous. Government's authority ends at the church door, he added, pointing to the U.S. Constitution. 

"Even if the Covid hoax were real, I'm not worried about whether you catch a cold, I'm worried about your eternal soul," he said. "If I'm afraid to do my job, then I shouldn't be a priest."
Meanwhile, the Vatican has been persecuting priests such as Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life while protecting and coddling child rapists and apostate "Catholic" politicians who support killing babies, Altman explained. 

Turning his focus to Pope Francis, Altman insisted there was already a schism in the Catholic Church but that everyone was afraid to talk about it. "I'm not," he said.  

Father Altman’s website: https://jfaltman.org

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