The Arab League is Returned to Syria | Normalization of Relationships Among Arab States

1 year ago

PressTV Spotlight in depth discussion on the history of Syria's suspension and implications of its return to the Arab League. Was it the Arab League that forsook Syria? Have League member states regained their independence from US hegemonic control?

Speakers are Peter Ford, former British Ambassador to Syria and Laith Marouf, activist and political commentator.

Also discussed:
History of why Syria's explosion and ramifications that followed
Iran's importance in the area, brotherly relationships
United States role and intentions in Syria's revocation from the Arab League
Rise of multipolarity


"Syria Returning to Region"

#Syria #Iran #ArabLeague #Russia #SaudiArabia #UnitedStates #Jordan #Quatar #UAE #Turkiye #Ukraine #multipolar

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