Utopia Pt 1

1 year ago

Part 1: I’m of the opinion that a #Utopia would be impossible in this reality especially if define through the lens of “perfection.” An imperfect world will bear a perfect utopia when an apple seed can bear and orange tree.
I think a lot of atrocities experienced in this reality had its roots in the perpetrators desire to impose their definition of “perfection” on society as a whole. To rephrase :The pursuit of utopia is what turned our world into a dystopia in the first place (in my opinion.)

So what is the solution? Perhaps we accept reality as is: imperfect by our standards and let that be a good baseline in which we try no not build a perfect world by a world where everyone’s basic needs are at least met. I refer to Maslows #hierachyofneeds. Can we ensure everyone has equally access to opportunities as opposed to an imposition of someone’s definition of “equality?”

Maybe we should simply aspire to a world where everyone have access to clean drinking water, clean air, healthy food, safe environment to live, and Aes to education so that they could “improve” upon their lot in life should they desire. Or simply enjoy life so long as it harms no one in the process. We certainly have the technology to do that even right now.
Just my .02c. Part 2 to follow.
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