Are We Sentient a.i w/False Personas Overriding Our Will? (see description.)

1 year ago

I don’t personally think this is the case, but then again, in #thesimulation, anything is probable🙃 Maybe part of the programming is whenever one comes close to sussing out the true nature of our #reality, #theEgo overrides your suspicions and forces you to dismiss the idea outright.
I do think it is extremely difficult to truly KNOW the nature of this world from inside of it although I don’t think we are confined to it. But that just might be my ego talking again.
Either way, all schools seem to point to this world being a #shadowworld, a #construct, #matrix, #illusion. So if it’s a #simulation as #simulationtheory suggests then it would make sense that you #dna is just another aspect of the program. Your specific #code exists for a reason.
I guess if you keep finding yourself in super wacky situations, someone out there may be performing a test to see how your primary source code would behave in a given scenario.
I keed. It’s good #scifi though!
#blackmirror #thesims #consciousness #conscious #freewill #philosophy #technophilosophy #freethinker #sentient #ai #2amthoughts. #quantumphilosophy #technophilosophy #timeisanillusion #quantumphysics #quantumimmortality #philosophy #timeisanillusion #simulationtheory #infinity #multiverse #aliens #consciousness #manyworlds #freethinker #conscious #timeisanillusion #advaitist #nonduality #alanwatts #buddhism

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