Pointless planning because HE wasn't involved. (Isaiah 22:5-14)

1 year ago

How often will we say, or hear, "If GOD isn't in it, I'm not doing it!" Well, seems we are in good company with Isaiah when wondering, "Why bother if GOD isn't involved." Cause yeah... Jerusalem can store up water, repair its walls, and run to the armory to get ready for war. But! If GOD isn't in it with them, what's the point? Jericho's walls were taller and fell to a blast of horns and praise and the Midianites were defeated with pots, torches, and 300 men. We have nothing to do with it, like our faith, (if we did we'd think we'd done it all our selves) it's The GOD we walk with Who tells the sun where to stand and the moon where to hide. Lot of time we will have those around us who don't see a point because the don't see GOD, and how can they, HE'S invisible, but they can see HIM living in us, do they?

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