How To Use a Diamond Loop & a Terp Slurper (PEARL STACK)

1 year ago

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I Like to show up closeness on the function of the rigs, or the water and smoke coiling inside the bubbles, swing the proper golden color of a properly melted Dab. A DABS Maximum Temperature is 650° F on average, while optimal low temperature DABBING is around 380°F - 500°F, the upper end being when your dab will brown inside the banger. You never want to char the Dab, if you place the Dab on the plate, or in the bucket it should never just smoke up into white smoke instantly. The smoke of a dab ideally will be things and less packed in than cannabis flower smoke, and much smoother given the Residuals being scrubbed out sepeeates from the goodies by the solvent used to make the concentrate, be that co2 in a aupercritical or Butane in a Bho (Butane has oil) extraction. Residuals get left behind as the THCa binds the solvent used to create the concentrate.
The diamond loop is honestly a more advanced Dab, as silly as that sounds. It's difficult to properly heat it and not char any dab. This was a near perfect drop, beautiful golden dab. The heat you want to fell is easily figured with a little poem, "a hot summers day from about an inch away" so hold your hand next to the banger about 1 inch away, it should feel like the direct sunlight on the beach, that's a good jusmdge to start. And always spread the heat over the entire banger upon initial heating.
On the Terp Slurper many people fail to utilise the entire slurper properly. The cebte valve does function to flash oil that makes it up that far. You want the center valve to be hot as well so that your not just pulling g your entire dab back into reclaim. I always apply heat behind the valve pearl (the medium sized one) right under the intake pipe (horizontal piece) So that dab gets activated before it goes to reclaim first. The pearl rolls and that hot spot will hit the pil that makes it up that high. You will notice a neat double helix function on most terp slurpers as well. Do not melt the dab on the side of the barrel. THe optimal spot is where the barrel meets the plate, at that 90°Angle. That spot is at the perfect temperature, the barrel is too hot, and the plate is as well. Always pay attention to the tops of your bangers, especially those that use a pearl as a cap, as you will note cheap bangers are flat on top, the cut isn't beveled so it won't seal save with a pearl that actually drops into the opening. JUMBO SLURPERS have a much different function, usually you use a bubble cap or flat spinner on them or just seal it with a silicone lid as the lid from a silicone Puck, it fits the top of a jumbo smurper perfectly. I do like the double helix effect and the valve rolling around the rim function of the jumbo slurper.
Stay tuned for more detailed posts about Glob stoppers, Blenders, Bender slurpers, Slurper Stoppers, all kinds of Dab Fuchery.

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