Accessibility Matters

1 year ago

At Nabuco Technology, we believe that accessibility is a fundamental aspect of technology. Accessibility means freedom, and everyone deserves the freedom to access information and technology regardless of their abilities.

It's not enough to just talk about accessibility. We must actively create means to make technology accessible to everyone. That's why we are proud to say that all the websites we develop, including the Ecomuseu Ilha Grande, Departamento de Arqueologia da UERJ, and the virtual exhibitions of the Museu da Imagem e do Som do Rio de Janeiro, feature VLibras, a sign language plugin.

We know that creating accessible technology is a vital step towards a more inclusive society. It's not just about making technology available to people with disabilities; it's about creating an environment that is welcoming and accommodating to everyone.

So let's make accessibility a priority and work towards creating a more inclusive world for all. Join us in spreading awareness about accessibility and using the tags #accessibilitymatters #inclusive technology #nabucotech #vlibras. Together, we can make a difference.

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