God is over with the wicked and lukewarm phony church crowd and pastors

1 year ago

God is beyond done with the wicked and the lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors, Jesus will grab only His bride and leave everyone else left behind to go through the tribulation period, America is beyond wicked and will be completely destroyed!! The sodomites are celebrated here and churches allow these wicked animals in and do their sex dance in front of kids, England forced a 4 year old to go to class taught by gays!! Cash is now being removed and places have we are cashless now, crime is beyond out of control, Russia sent their Navy to America, WW3 is about to break out, China threatened it will bomb Canada and USA, Iran is acting like a bully , North Korea is firing off missiles, Charles is a wicked man and the church of England is just the Catholic Church that is all it is, Jesus is about to rapture all true believers out of this wicked world before the 7 year tribulation begins, the antichrist is rising to power fast and blind dumb people can't see it and do not care, God destroyed the wicked in Noah day, He sent sulfur and brimstone to Sodom and Gomorrah and all the sodomites died except lot and his daughters, lot wife loved Sodom and looked back and got turned into a pillow of salt, God hates the wicked and will destroy them all!! He hates the gays, lesbians and trans and made man and woman for marriage and men are not women and they will be in hell and judged by God at the great white throne, all those who rejected Jesus will be judged by God and Jesus at the great white throne judgement, there is no escape from it at all, God will summon up all the dead and all those who lived from Cain to after the tribulation will be called up, the books will be opened and everything people have done while alive will be told to them and if their name is not found written in the Lamb book of life they were cast into the lake of fire, it will happen!! Keep mocking God you will stand before Him and will not be mocking Him at all, Jesus is at war with Satan and those who got the vaccines serve Satan forever they are lost and will be killed by Jesus sword and end up in the lake of fire, there is no second chance for them at all!! God will not allow anyone who has the mark of the beast and 666 into heaven and New jersalem, nothing inpure shall enter or does anything shameful or deceitful but only those whose names are found written in the Lamb book of life shall enter

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