Hair Loss Prevention Subliminal Video

1 year ago

Hair Loss Prevention Subliminal Video
Use this hair loss prevention subliminal video to help restore life and energy to your hair.
Is your hair dull, stubborn and without life?
Is your hairline receding? Are you noticing that you're losing more hair?
Do you fear that you're going bald?
Do you want to stop hair loss and to get life back to your hair?
It is natural that as we get older our hair cells slowly stop functioning, and some die out. As a result our hair thins, or we even lose it altogether.
However this doesn't have to be the case - you can improve the health of your hair cells and keep your hair strong and healthy for longer. Some substances in our body, like the hormone called melatonin, are responsible for hair growth  - and their production is controlled by our subconscious mind.
And did you know that you can program your subconscious mind to do what you want? Yes, even to boost the production of certain hormones and directing blood circulation.
That's what this album aims to help you with. The messages aren't designed to stimulate specific processes in your body (as there are to many, and you don't need to know about any of them anyway); they target the areas of your mind with the end result that you want to achieve. That's how everything in our body works - your mind tells your leg to move, and it does, without you knowing all the details.
What these messages actually do is this: they reprogram your mind so that it becomes positively focused on your hair growth and repair. Essentially it will:
Instruct your mind to direct blood circulation, energy and nutrition to your hair cells - to keep them alive and functioning for longer.
Program your mind to reverse the balding process and to make your hair healthy again. The processes will take care of themselves when your subconscious "knows" what direction to take, and you will soon notice that your hair has started to grow back again, strong and shiny.
Make you feel more comfortable with your hair. You will get a more positive attitude towards your hair, which will help you to be more confident about your overall looks. You will forget what it means to worry about what your hair looks like in any situation.

You can checkout some of our more powerful methods for attracting the life you want here.
Thank you for watching the Subliminal Genie Channel

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