What happens when the Black Mamba bites the Lion? #shorts

1 year ago

The black mamba is the fastest land snake in the world, capable of reaching speeds of up to 20 kilometers per hour. She can attack her victim up to 12 times in a row. The venom contained in a single sting is capable of killing between 10 and 25 adults. Even extremely dangerous animals, if bitten, can go through serious problems, as is the case of numerous images and videos spread on the internet that show lions that have been bitten by a black manba. There are many videos that show lions hanging from one side to the other. Black manba venom is highly lethal and can kill a big cat in a matter of minutes. Depending on the location of the bite and event conditions, the king of the jungle may not be able to survive. The venom of a black mamba can irreversibly damage the lion's kidneys, liver and other organs, which are essential for its survival. There have been documented cases of lions dying after being attacked by black mambas. Although this rarely happens, lions know to be careful where they step, or they could end up getting hurt if they lay their paws on this snake.

#NaturalWorld! #BlackMamba #Lion #shorts

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