How Long for King Charles? Mordecai is RISING!! A Word about PROVISION for You!—Joseph Z

1 year ago

In today’s broadcast, Joseph Z comments on King Charles's coronation which he predicts to be a moment of great change. He contemplates how long the Kingship will last, and reveals that Prince Williams will have his time and it’ll be very important; this is because there’s a change of a generation upon us at the moment. He proceeded further to reveal that there’s a global economic crisis around the corner, alongside war mongering for WWIII; he then references the book of Esther to explain the intervention that would rise in the middle of this ugly narrative. He then proclaims that “Mordecais” will rise, just as seen in the book of Esther, and that King Charle’s coronation heralds a change of nations. He also insists that there’s a great shift in the culture at the moment and Prince Williams will play a big part in the change coming in the near future.

Moving on, Joseph establishes the great role of Mordecai and emphasizes how the Israelites were saved on the same day they were meant to be wiped out, as seen in the book of Esther, and relates it to how God will turn around, and make a great way for the people of God. He assures us that God is altering the events of the globe, and there’ll be a sign of pushback against the nefarious people behind the scene. He also reassures us that the sons and daughters of God will witness another round, and the Lord will make a great way for us.

Furthermore, Joseph reassures us that there’s light in Goshen and that we’ll witness a provision, provided that, we do not fear. He insists that our provision will be based on our faith and obedience in God; being where we’re meant to be, and carrying out all that’s been assigned to us. He further reassures us that God will open up his treasures for us, despite the normalcy bias going on in the lives of many; he then charges us not to fear, as Jesus is the light in Goshen and He’s in us.

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