Japan Psychic Predictions Reading 2022 - 2033 日本語の字幕は、設定>字幕(自動翻訳)>自動翻訳>日本語、みたいな感じで設定すると出てくるはず、です。

1 year ago

Japan Psychic Predictions Reading 2022 - 2033 日本語の字幕は、設定>字幕(自動翻訳)>自動翻訳>日本語、みたいな感じで設定すると出てくるはず、です。

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Video notes:
In about 3 years I see corporate building growing like monsters causing an earthquake to happen across the city. This looks like businesses are becoming overpowering in some way. People are fleeing the scene. There is some shift in the corporate world that makes people want to get away from the corporate areas that they once gathered around. There is strain on the corporations. The people want to move to a quieter area of town that is more peaceful and tranquil. The corporate world seems to be meeting tighter and tighter demands to continue making profit that is causing a lot of stress on the corporations and this is starting to become a problem. I see CEOs pulling their hair and freaking out about not meeting their goals. Many companies are going to other countries or at least starting to operate out of other countries where there are less human rights to make profit off the people easier to meet monetary demands. The culture of Japan seems to be heading towards a more traditional and calmer lifestyle. People are less interested in the hype of the businesses that resemble the western world. I see people drinking tea and hanging out doing things like playing chess at parks and tea/coffee houses. It seems things become more simple with less people in general and a lot of corporations move away. I don't see as much ambition to become rich in the corporate world, and people seem to just want to live a more modest simple lifestyle. People seem to enjoy the more simple things in life like strolling through the park and hanging out at local areas to gather and meet others. People seem to want to support local shops and the corporations seem to be suffering that stay or leave Japan. It's just not the same system anymore in 3-5 years. It seems that relationships and dating becomes more of a focus around that time.
I do not see the people suffering too badly, although the corporations are suffering. Economically it seems people are still living in good living standards, but the super wealthy seem less common and less desirable. There is more of a small town feel, although it is definitely not a small town. People seem to dwell in smaller areas of town but it is more taken care of. This reminds me of the 15 minute cities plan. I don't see it being quite 15 minutes though, it seems much larger but it does seem like more biking and walking is encouraged. This doesn't seem like rules that are being enforced though, it feels like the people are doing this because of the desire to live a less hyped up lifestyle and instead be more simple in their approach to life. The government seems to be encouraging this and making it easier and more convenient to live in this manner. I don't sense that Japans leaders are doing this out of some conspiracy to control people, but it does seem to help them economically as a country. This seems to hold true for about 15-20 years or so. Around 2036-2040 it seems that businesses start ramping back up again and the corporate world comes back to Japan again. At this point it seems that there are less people to work for these corporations but they seem like they don't depend on as many people. At this point it just seems like they are pumping out products without the need for much assistance. This could be related to technological leaps that take place around 2025-2035 around the world. It seems that at this point Japan is much less desirable to live in and there may be some level of pollution or annoyance to living around these areas. After 2040 it seems like Japan is not a very popular place to live anymore as most people have moved to areas to the West of Japan. This looks like the surrounding areas of China like South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam etc. However it seems that there is more of an attraction to places around Thailand than China itself.
It seems in the next year Japan could see some improvement in the economic outlook for the next couple years, but after 2 years it seems things may start getting rough. This creates a shift in the culture that is already taking place, but it speeds the shift up. It doesn't look too bad for the next 10 years or so though. Around 10 years or so being 2033 or later it seems the general happiness of the people could start to go downhill. By that point I think people in Japan will know what is coming and there won't be any sudden surprises, so there is no need for alarm.

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