
1 year ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection] -
This poem was written in response to a question which was put to me and is arising for many. Who are ‘they’?! It is as brief an introduction and overview as can be with the complexity of issues currently in play. It is also an invitation to engage in ‘critical thinking’ and ‘critical analysis’ at the various influences in society and our part in them, to gain an ‘unbiased’ evaluation and understanding.

This poem was written on 11th April 2023 and as it is a ‘topical’ issue, it has been included in my 'Transitional Times’ poem collection. This poem collection normally contains 'a variety of Motivational and Commentary poems exploring issues of the time'.



I was asked an interesting question today.
The question was – “Who are ‘they’?”
Ie the one’s referred to in various of my poems

Well, the answer in truth, is such an interesting mix!
Complex, complicated and a question to research and
Be answered by each, for your own realisation to affix.

they is them, they is you, they is me, just ‘an ordinary’ fellow,
Like say, ‘that neighbour’ you don’t see!
they is good! they is bad! they is a combination
of all – should ‘we’ care to see.
At least, that is how ‘they’ can present,
Blended in, commonplace – just another face.
Another human, in this, the human race?!

Or not? For now, just go with this flow …

The primary ‘they’ are the ‘main manipulators’
The ‘puppet string’ pullers, the ‘fatal design’ makers
The ‘Georgia Guide-stone’ initiates or believers and fakers.
The hierarchical percentage of ‘takers’ and ‘takers’.

The secondary ‘they’, are ‘their’ movers and shakers
The wannabe’s, shuffling the various other players,
Moving the chess pieces, say in ... company takeovers,
Setting the common tone, a monotone … wrong vibration,
like a monochrome … dressed up as colour!
Or the Improve your Counties wealth innovators?!

The third ‘they’ are the middle level peeps,
The main puppets, the one’s aspiring to power and fame?
Internally lame? Greedy or psychopathic? Many with no shame?
Political figureheads even, those involved in shaping
Us to become part of the ‘stricture’ of structure, ‘they’ are making.

The fourth ‘they’ are what ‘we’ are considered as.
The dumb little sheep, considered even, as ‘the walking asleep’
Include also any manipulate-able other, or creep, and
Those who may consider life, or any of its values cheap.
The abused, the ordinary, the everyday and the meek.

The fifth ‘they’ are the big ‘we’ – the ‘it doesn’t affect me’
This ‘they’ are the complacent, the compliant, the complicit.
This ‘they’ would benefit from doing some research, and
meanwhile, take a pause from taking ‘their’ direction.
Get on with some enquiries and some inner reflection.

The sixth ‘they’ are the one’s “they 1,2&3” guide you to despise
And the ones that “they 4&5” … look at with glazed over eyes!!
The ones, who endeavour to open loved ones and other’s ‘blinds’.
The rebels, the dissenters, the light, love and peace seekers.
The excluded, victimised, vaccination choice not apartheid criers.

So, ‘they’ at all levels have infiltrated, as various appetites,
many even natural desires, are sought to be sated.
The human pursuit of betterment turned into a race
A competition … instead of a human coalition.

So ‘they’ as you can follow ‘is such a convoluted mix’.
It needs your discernment and realisation
so you can your own label then affix.
Do it, ask the pertinent questions, as
We desire you to enter into and join us in the sixth!
Like me, answer the question arising today.
For my reference in poems, it’s predominantly
‘they’ 1, 2 and 3. Go do it, find out for yourself. Don’t delay.


The next question then may be …
How is it co-ordinated?
Well, in brief, through previous
Manipulations and greed.
So let’s look on… see that,
And dump that old seed!

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