Ending the China initiative is so bizarre

1 year ago

05/08/2023 【 @WayneDupreeShow 】Nicole: Ending the China initiative dedicated to fighting the CCP’s influence and infiltration in the US is so bizarre. If you really want to protect the Asian people and respect the Asian Americans, Chinese Americans, start going after the CCP and stop going after the Chinese dissidents like what the SEC and DOJ and FBI has done to the New Federal State of China. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
05/08/2023 【 @WayneDupreeShow 】妮可:终止旨在打击中共在美国影响力与渗透的“中国倡议”项目太荒唐了。如果他们真的想保护亚洲人民和尊重亚裔美国人以及华人的话,就应该开始追查中共,而不是像美国证券交易委员会、司法部和联邦调查局对待新中国联邦那样去针对中共异见人士。 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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