Howard Zinn

1 year ago

Arguably the most effective anti-American academic fraud was Howard Zinn. Abandoning all objectivity, his book, "The People's History of the United States," begins with a subtle but substantial lie in the book's own title: it's not the "People's History...," it should read, "Howard Zinn's History..."

Howard Zinn was a well-known academic who wrote a textbook titled, "A People's History of the United States."

Some people like his book because it tells a different story than what we usually learn about history. But...

There are highly questionable areas in Zinn's book. What follows are specific examples to understand why some people think Zinn got things wrong.

1. Making History Simple and One-Sided:
Zinn's book tells us that American history is mostly about how American capitalism has made America a bad country. He says there was a lot of unfairness and oppression. But he only focuses on the struggles of certain groups, such as the American Indian, and doesn't talk about other important parts of American history. He doesn't mention, for example, the progress the country has made in the advancement of civil rights, voting rights, and women's rights.

Nor does he mention in the later editions of his book such programs as Medicare and Medicaid, Head Start, The Clean Air Act, or the National School Lunch Program - to name a few.
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2. Ignoring Individual Choices and Making History Too Simple:
Zinn doesn't think individuals can make important choices in history. In Chapter 6 of his book, he sees them as either victims or oppressors. But history is much more complicated. Zinn sees everything as black and white, with no grey areas that are required by human nature. Humans make choices, both good and bad, and many of those shape what happens. Zinn doesn't show any evidence of this complexity in his book.

3. Treating History Only as a Class Struggle:
Zinn looks at history from a certain perspective called Marxism, which is fully laid out in Chapter 13. He thinks that money and social class are the most important things in history. And he ignores the influence of culture and ideas. Zinn's focus on class struggle makes him miss these other important elements of America's past.

4. Not Talking About the Good Things in American History:
Zinn only talks about the bad things in American history, which suggests a childish drive-by view of America's past. He doesn't tell us about the good things or the people who worked hard to make society better. This makes his view of American history one-sided and unfair. We need to understand both the good and bad to have a complete picture.

5. Misrepresenting Evidence Carefully and Ignoring Other Ideas:
Zinn misuses evidence that supports what he already thinks, like the example in this video. He ignores evidence that might say something different. This means he doesn't give a fair view of American history. To really understand America's past, we need to look at different viewpoints and consider different ideas.

Howard Zinn's book "A People's History of the United States" is a diatribe against the United States, and it over-simplifies American history by focusing on one side of the American story. He ignores what's good about America.

We should always get a fair understanding of the past without allowing an ideology to color the narrative.

History, it can be said, is a never-ending argument, but Zinn allows for no other argument than his own.
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X: TrojanHorseEd

Author's Amazon Profile:

In reviewing Zinn's claims, you will understand why critics designate him, not as a historian, but as a propagandist, a person who advocates for a certain ideology. And in his case, Howard Zinn considered himself a Marxist sympathizer.

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