i see cracks [drivebelt] replacement Toyota Camry √ fix it angel

7 years ago

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https://www.amazon.com/shop/fixitangel https://www.getsomevegas.com/home
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Toyota Camry, inline 4 cylinder, 2.5L

Replacing the drive belts on a 2011 Camry

Drivebelt 1 https://amzn.to/3IF0uVz https://bit.ly/3qHRWXR
https://ebay.us/osZr7S https://bit.ly/3NkOR9O
Drivebelt 2 https://amzn.to/36xVzJ5
EZ Ratcheting wrench set https://amzn.to/3ooi47u https://bit.ly/3pSRVA9
https://ebay.us/rd1EYA https://amzn.to/3pSkc9K
3/8 dr. cordless impact https://amzn.to/37xKpkg https://bit.ly/35YhpVj
https://ebay.us/FlSIXV https://bit.ly/3HJePQu
3/8 dr. metric deep socket set https://amzn.to/3mYOS8O https://bit.ly/3HR7u1p
https://ebay.us/FIX3la https://bit.ly/36RErh7
Long Screwdriver https://amzn.to/3wDqBtS https://bit.ly/3DaJtBA
https://ebay.us/z4SYSa https://bit.ly/3iwjGdE
Canopy Tent https://amzn.to/3IC3Bxx https://bit.ly/3qAVECt
https://ebay.us/ytKdGu https://bit.ly/36l6Zjv
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