No One Wants Electric Cars

1 year ago

Yeah I'm gonna pay more money for an inferior car that has to be recharged at home or charging stations slowly.

The ironic part is that fossil fuels are actually the greenest form of energy. Scientists that are not on the financial puppet strings of the government and special interest groups confirm this. Fossil fuels are merely carbon atoms held together in long chains by ancient solar energy. Carbon is the most fundamental building block of life. More carbon = more life, period. Releasing ancient carbon that long ago was on the surface is win-win for humans and the environment. Humans get a cheap, efficient and abundant source of energy, and all life forms benefit from the increase in the carbon supply. Why? Because modern plants evolved in a carbon-rich atmosphere. They had to adapt to a carbon deficit as carbon, their food supply, gradually became trapped underground. Humans releasing it again is like taking malnourished people to the buffet. They are growing bigger and faster because we are giving them back their food supply.

It does not however have any disastrous affect on the climate. It has a small, very limited affect and an almost immediate ceiling affect. In other words, it's not significant enough to raise any alarms over and certainly will not lead to any environmental disasters.

I could rattle off a long list of very qualified sources, but instead I'll just say that even the climate grifters at NASA admitted that our carbon emissions are rapidly healing manmade deserts from bad farming/grazing practices, such as all that rainforest that's been cut down in the tropics. It's regreening now at a very fast pace thanks to the ancient carbon medicine we have unearthed and returned to the biosphere. We're getting bigger, faster growing crops from it too. The stuff coming out your tailpipe is literally healing the environment, not hurting it because CO2 is plant food, not pollution.

So called green energy however is far more pollutive and destructive to the earth and delivers really poor quality power that can't be relied on, as evidenced by areas that are trying and failing to rely on it. But there's a lot of immoral people profiting from the scam and they aren't going to give it up without a hell of a fight.

Probably going to trigger some jerks for saying this but fossil fuels are the greenest form of energy.

Scientists that are not on the financial puppet strings of the government and special interest groups agree. Fossil fuels are merely carbon atoms held together in long chains by ancient solar energy. Carbon is the most fundamental building block of life. More carbon = more life, period. Releasing ancient carbon that long ago was on the surface is win-win for humans and the environment. Humans get a cheap, efficient and abundant source of energy, and all life forms benefit from the increase in the carbon supply.

It does not however have any disastrous affect on the climate. It has a small, very limited affect and an almost immediate ceiling affect. In other words, it's not significant enough to raise any alarms over. I could rattle off a long list of very qualified sources, but instead I'll just say that even the climate grifters at NASA admitted that our carbon emissions are rapidly healing manmade deserts from bad farming/grazing practices, such as all that rainforest that's been cut down in the tropics. It's rapidly regreening now thanks to the ancient carbon medicine we have unearthed and returned to the biosphere. We're getting bigger, faster growing crops from it too. The stuff coming out your tailpipe is healing the environment, not hurting it because CO2 is plant food, not pollution.

So called green energy however is far more pollutive and destructive to the earth and delivers really poor quality power that can't be relied on, as evidenced by areas that are trying and failing to rely on it.

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