Iurie Rosca — Interregnum #70

1 year ago

Many of Iurie Rosca’s writings, translated into multiple languages including English can be found on Eurasianist platform Geopolitica.ru (Iurie Rosca | Geopolitica.RU (geopolitika.ru);
Iurie Rosca’s presentation for the Global Conference on Multipolarity 29 April 2023, entitled ‘The Great Reset and the End of Classic Geopolitics’ can be found on Paideuma.tv (Iurie Rosca (Moldova) speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity | Paideuma.tv);
Aleksandr Dugin’s Eurasianist program-manifest, entitled ‘Global Revolutionary Allliance’, can be found on Eurasianist platform Geopolitica.ru 1 April 2017 (Global Revolutionary Alliance (Manifesto) (program, principles, strategy) | Geopolitica.RU (geopolitika.ru));
Alexander Wolfheze’s summary introduction to Neo-Eurasianism, entitled ‘Le Rouge et le Noir’, may be found on Geopolitica.ru 15 November 2018 (Le Rouge et le Noir: An Introduction to Eurasianism | Geopolitica.RU (geopolitika.ru));
Theme song to this World Edition: Georges Enescu ‘Romanian Rhapsody No. 1’ - for a good rendition with visual sphere impression try ‘ENESCU: Roumanian Rhapsody No.1’ on YT channel ‘Gilda Tabarez (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdgRjFSR_oM)’; for acoustic ‘folk nationalism’ with a difference try the centre part.

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