If you could get 100 per jerk-off for life, or get 1 mil for 1 time, which would you choose and why?

1 year ago

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If you could get $100 per jerk-off for life, or get $1 mil for 1 time, which would you choose and why?
Gimme the mill, the other option is too much work. I'm already 50, I don't got time for that shit no more.
Important question; is the money coming directly out of my penis?
If I can get back-pay for all the times from ages 13 - now in my 30s, then I would do the $100 per stroke. If I cannot be reimbursed for time served, then the $1 mil will be fine.Plus, with the $1 mil, buying a house would be easier since I wouldn't have to run to the bathroom like 4,000 times.
I'm pushing 40, and probably in the twilight of my tugging career. I'd have to jerk off once per day for the next 27+ years to hit a million at the 100-per pace. I just don't have that kind of time. I'm gonna have to take that big money and run.
Just give me the mil because if I take 100 per jo sesh it'll just turn into work and I don't want my personal time composing with the skin flute to ever become work. Besides, it's a lot easier to explain to the folks around the dinner table when they ask me what I do to earn a living.
$100 per jerk-off. I figure I could jerk-off 50 guys a day.
At my age I'd take the million.
INFO: I have a vulva. Does the $100 per jerk-off mean I have to find someone to jerk-off, or will I be able to earn the same $100 per orgasm for jilling off?
I'll take the £80 (I think that's the amount) cuz you can just wank in a MacDonald if you're hungry
Do you have to finish? Because I can jerk off a lot of times in a day if I don't have to cum every time.
I only need to masturbate 10,000 times to make $1,000,000. So I would only need to jerk off 2 times a day for 13 years and 252 days. or 4 times a day for 6 years and 306 daysChallenge accepted
Give me $10 per, I'll still destroy that $1,000,000 ceiling.
Yeah I'd do the $100 per cause I'd spend up that mill and be back to beating the cheap meat....
Well I could manage 3 times a day, x365 days in a year, would only take me about 9 years and change to reach a million. I figure I’ll be jerkin it for at least another 20-30 years before I get too old, so that could net me an additional 2 million by retirement age. I’d definitely go with getting paid by the wank
So you're asking whether I'd prefer a million dollars right now or a million every month?
I'm 17 and can safely say that jacking off 4 times a day is doable, especially if I get 100$ per session. So if I jack off 4 times a day, it'll only take 6.84 years to hit the 1Million dollars and by then I'll be 24, still fully capable of jacking off like a champ.
Obviously 1 mil for 1 time. Can’t get a better deal than that. I don’t think I’ve even masturbated 10k times in my life and I wouldn’t want to just to earn a reward that I can earn in 5-10 minutes.
And turn a fine hobby into a job, sucking all the pleasure out of it? No way. Imma take the cool milion thank you.
The question should be would you take $100 per jerk-off for life, or 1 million but you can ONLY do it 1 more time...
I think I'll hit 1000000 before the end of the week fam
I'm 14 so $100 per jerk for life would make me richer than bill gates
The $1 MM for sure, and it's not close.Even if I jacked it once a day, every day, it would take over 27 years to make $1 MM. On the other hand, I could pay off every penny of debt I owe, save for my kids to go to college for free, move almost anywhere I want, and then live a very comfortable life. Right now. And I can still jerk off once a day if I wish.
Lord, if I'd been offered that at thirteen years of age...
Getting paid $100 to jerk off is the same as losing $100 every time you have sex. I couldn’t live with that.
When I think of all the money I've let slip through my fingers...
Is this $100 tax exempt?
Wait, you guys are getting paid?
$400 a day is a decent wage, and the taxes are spread over several years$1m up front would disappear in taxes very quickly
I think the real downside of per jack would be knowing that everytime you actually have sex instead of jacking it's going to cost you a hundred bucks. You would essentially be paying for sex the rest of your life.
Honestly, I'd go for the 100$. Any time I need any sum of money, a little quick jerk off gets me there. And, by the time I'm all old and shriveled up and no longer able to do so, I would have ammased such fortune by then that I wouldn't even need the ability anymore.
It would be easier to launder a stream of $100s than a lump sum of a mill. The IRS dont need my jerkoff money.
"So what do you do for a living?" "Oh I jerk off :)"

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