Occult Symbolism, Twin Peaks and Black Magic with Isaac Weishaupt [The Marc Clair Show Ep. #28]

1 year ago

In the 28th episode of The Marc Clair Show, Marc welcomes in the host of the "Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture" podcast, the half-truther, half-normie Illuminati Watcher himself, Isaac Weishaupt!

Isaac breaks down his occult origin story - how he was "red pilled" by a combination of Bill Cooper, a David Icke video and his first radio appearance which led him down the path to writing 9 books about occult symbolism, conspiracies, aliens, and more! We discuss the problem with focusing on politics without understanding the underlying motivations that operate in the background, which ultimately leads to the occult. We delve into his faith of Orthodox Christianity and explore whether that made him more open to the idea of the mystical, background occult influences. We get into his recent obsession with Twin Peaks and the heavy dose of occult elements within that show, as well as exploring just how and why celebrities become "illuminate confirmed."

In the Smoke-Filled Room bonus segment for premium subscribers, we discuss the Black Magic practices of Kobe Bryant and the very strange cartoon that predicted his death via helicopter crash, and how occult practices can lead to destruction even when they provide material gain in the short term.

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