Frequency Chat with Kacie Braham

1 year ago

My fellow quantum loving healer friend (and Earth/Gridworker) Kacie @channelinglight got together to talk about quantum stuff and our new love, the Healy frequency device. This was a super activating little chat!

If you would like to learn more about Healy, please feel free to reach out to one of us personally. Go ahead and email me at or send me a DM on Instagram @the_angelica_galaxy

If you are seeing this before the end of April 2023, Healy is having an amazing sale on their best devices. Happy to tell you more about it and walk you through the process of getting a Healy into your hands.

Kacie and I would love to have you on our team as well! There is absolutely no obligation if you just want a device for yourself, but if you would like to work with us too we'd absolutely welcome you!

So if you're feeling that Sacred YES, don't hesitate! Frequency is the future, and yours awaits!

Link to purchase Healy:

Here is a playlist where you can learn more about Healy, but again, don't be shy about reaching out directly to me with any questions!

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