Control Food To Control Nations | USDA & The Amish Organic Farm | E 106

1 year ago

Bill Gates is the largest farmland owner and the largest donor to most 3-4 letter organizations that has to do with our health and well being, like WHO for example. Klaus Schwab from WEF is influenced and has worked with Henry Kissinger who famously said, "If you control food, you control a nation, if you control the energy, you control regions and if you control money, you control the world."

00:00 Food Control
04:40 The Amish farm that has been fighting USDA
07:27 Cancer is not genetic, it is food related
09:23 The waste product of a healthy metabolism vs cancer
10:21 Real milk (A2/A2) vs modified milk (A1/A2) - Cause of lactose intolerance?
14:50 Double speak - how words are flipped upside down
18:03 Fake food and Bill Gates
20:23 How Gates wants to reduce the population by 10-15%
23:29 The powers may be want to genetically modify you
25:05 Closing remarks

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