Title 42 Ending: Is The US Prepared?

1 year ago

People know Donald Trump told them the truth. People are looking for the truth. What is the truth about Ukraine? Why did Biden let Putin go into ukraine. Although the legacy media won’t tell you this, the people know that Trump told the truth, it’s the reason why his polls are going up.
Title 42 ends Thursday. They have kept it in place through the courts. If you are in office long enough to announce a re-election campaign you have had time to fix any problems. President Biden on Immigration approval is 36%. Border towns brace for chaos ahead of Title 42 expiration. Mayorkas says they are handling things and they have everything ready.
Kryisten Sinema interview on the border. We have a humanitarian crisis on the southern border and it will get worse because we are not prepared. Both parties have used the border and immigration has benefited for decades. Many of them don’t have to appear in court until 2033, 10 years from now. A border state can not get any information about the inflow of immigrants when Title 42 expires. Either they aren’t sharing the information or they don't know what to expect. 1500 troops on the 2000 miles of border. The 1500 troops are there to do paperwork, they aren’t there to enforce the law. The majority coming across the border are single men. If you don’t have consequences at the border, no matter what you do they will keep coming. In the 80s it was male Mexicans that came here to work. Now we have a mini UN over 60 countries at the southern border. They will keep coming if there isn't a deterrent. What is coming up through our southern border. Biden has had 2 years. And multiple years to stop it.

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