DEMON HUNTER, Top Notch Christian Metal Band - Artist Spotlight "One Thousand Apologies"

1 year ago

Today we're back to shine the spotlight on one of our favorite Christian metal bands, the incomparable DEMON HUNTER!

Hailing from Seattle, WA, and signed to Solid State Records, Demon Hunter is releasing their eleventh full length album "Songs of Death and Resurrection" in 2021. The members of this incredible band include lead vocalist Ryan Clark, guitarists Patrick Judge and Jeremiah Scott, bassist Jon Dunn, and drummer Tim Watts.

Among the plethora of fantastic songs Demon Hunter has brought us are: "My Heartstrings Come Undone", "One Thousand Apologies", "I Will Fail You", and Brian's personal favorite "The Wind". So if you're looking for some hard hitting Christian metal, look no further than Demon Hunter. You can find out more about them at:

Also, don’t forget to check out Inspiring How UC That on our other platforms:

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#InspiringHowUCThat #DemonHunter #ArtistSpotlight #Christian #christianrock #metal #inspirational #RyanClark #musicvideo #liveperformance #newmusic2021 #songsofdeathandressurection #myheartstringscomeudon #iwillfailyou @demonhunter

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Biographical information for Demon Hunter from Wikipedia (

Demon Hunter is an American Christian metal band from Seattle, Washington, started in 2000 by brothers Don Clark and Ryan Clark. Although the brothers created the band together, only Ryan remains, since Don left the band to take care of his family. As of early 2010, the band has sold over half a million albums. The band's style is known for combining nu metal sounds and qualities with ones heard in metalcore. The name references historic and folkloric demon hunters.

Don Clark stated, "I guess we liked to ride the fence. Then we got a little older, maybe wiser, and you know what, we're a Christian band. We're five dudes, we're all believers, we really don't want to ride the fence anymore." Ryan Clark claimed, "When we officially started we wanted to be very bold about it, we didn't see any purpose of just beating around the bush." Fans who are Christians are supportive of the band's bold faith position. "They respect that we don't walk the fence between a non-Christian and Christian band."

According to an Esquire interview, after Metallica requested that the US military stop using their music during interrogations in Iraq, Demon Hunter allegedly contacted the US military, offering their music as an alternative, which was accepted. A Navy SEAL who claimed to have killed Bin Laden was quoted as saying "'[W]e stopped using [Metallica's] music, and then a band called Demon Hunter got in touch and said, "We're all about promoting what you do." They sent us CDs and patches. I wore my Demon Hunter patch on every mission. I wore it when I blasted bin Laden.'" The day after the story broke, Demon Hunter addressed the situation by saying they approved US servicemen wearing their patch, but they didn't volunteer their music, nor did they have any knowledge of it being used for interrogations.

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