08 May 23, Knight Moves: Mary: The Mother of God with Thomas Rudkins

1 year ago

Today's Topics:

1) The origins of the name Mary are discussed as well as the four Marian dogmas of the Catholic Church: 1, Mother of God, 2, Perpetual Virginity, 3, Immaculate Conception, 4, Assumption,

2) Thomas Rudkins, who is a return guest, reacquaints us with his history as a Catholic; how he became a Knight and how he became involved with the Pro-Life movement,

3) Thomas provides a summary of the "One" program which combines the efforts of Options United and the California Catholic Conference. One Number-One Solution (ONE) provides a simple pathway to connect the abundant safety net resources in California by uniting the state’s life-affirming pregnancy shelters, centers, and clinics, creating an accessible statewide network to accompany women facing challenging pregnancies and in the early years of parenthood,

4) Thomas discusses how the Knights of Columbus can assist and complement the Pro-Life activities in the State and through the Supreme programs which now complement each other. Additional information can be found by following these links:



Theme: "Salve Regina" performed by Floriani. All rights reserved. Used with permission. For more information please visit Floriani.org

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