Calling it a day--Garden Day

1 year ago

re: thumbnail: can anyone tell me what this is? Dug it up where the peach tree had been. Sort of like a huge marble, but feels more like a stone.

We're done! noisemakers and confetti time! Well, 95% done. There will be some late sweet corn and a few hills of cucumbers and zucchini. But after two days of planting (and a night of 5 hour thunderstorms with 1.5 inches of rain), we're calling it full.

Now we'll just wait for the weeds (and wheat from the straw) to make a nuisance of themselves. Stan is great at keeping the garden clean, though. I'm only in charge of my flower beds! Maybe since the new flower bed is outside of my computer window, I'll notice when it gets weedy.


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