Garbage in means Garbage out! The truth about most cheap line output (High-Low) converters (LOC's)

3 years ago

Part 2 supplemental video here

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When i say "Most" i really mean MOST. I don't need to test them all to know this. But since i only tested a couple in this video, i really want to test more of them for you guys to prove my point. Visit my Instagram channel and give me a follow. Soon i will post up a few follow up video's and even live stream some more testing here:

Do you really want to amplify garbage? if not, look for a quality LOC or other means of factory integration. Most of the time LOC's are a cheap and easy way to get some quick beat into your ride. But it don't have to be distorted! You can have easy and clean if you know what you are doing or know someone who does!

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For info on the SMD HLC2 (and other SMD products) visit one of our many great online dealers...

- AudioPartsDirect
- WcCarAudio
- SkyHighCarAudio
- Down4Sound
- SonicElectronix
- G2daudio
- DBSaudio
- BigJeffAudio

For info on the Soundigital EVOx 1600w amplifier (shown in the video) visit

#LOC #Amplifier #Distortion

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