FULL SHOW Tories aim to lose 24 election, AI runs NATO Ukraine war, Charles cheated on/killed Diana?

1 year ago

Tories want to lose 2024 election, AI running West's Ukraine war, Charles III cheated on then killed Diana future role as peacemaker in WWIII he starts NTBPS05May23

- NUJ Conference – how it’s changed recently, electronic voting. May Day left wing march in Bristol organised by Bristol Trades Council.
- This DM instructs the NEC to publicly consult with the membership on the nature and merits of the current relationship and, if necessary, to terminate any existing relationship or contracts with Google
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- Local election results not enough to give Labour a general election majority, poll guru John Curtice says – Labour would not win enough parliamentary seats to win outright
- Bristol Mayoral position to be replaced by a Council Leader – Bristol City Council is moving to a committee model of governance and scrapping the role of mayor
- Bristol mayor Marvin Rees adds Yale University to his Linkedin profile – ‘The Brotherhood of Death’ secret society Skull and Bones is based there –
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- Rumours Tories don’t want to win the next election, as financial system implodes. Peter Hitchens on BBC Question Time – strikes pushed by rising cost of living crisis.
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- AI Red Speed Sentio cameras detecting crimes of motorists – Privacy fears over new AI speed camera which uses 4D scanning to spy on drivers inside their cars
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- Nitrogen tax for farmers in Holland – forcing them to sell up – EU approves controversial Dutch private equity farm buy-out plan to ‘cut nitrogen emissions’
- Charles’s Coronation tomorrow. Neil Oliver on how everything has changed since Covid pandemic, and King Charles supports Net Zero policy while millions suffer from cost of living crisis.
- Camilla's Ancestor was Mistress to King Edward VII - Yes, Prince Charles’s great-great grandfather and Camilla’s great-great grandmother were an item.
- Cheated on DIana 1 - Jonathan Dimbleby interviews Prince Charles after the break up of his marriage to Diana in July 1994. His Royal Highness lies about whether it was his relationship with Camilla that
- Cheated on Diana 2 Martin Bashir from BBC Panorama interviews Princess Diana (1995) – will Charles make a good King, and will she ever be Queen?
- Prince Charles’s friendships with child abusers – such as Jimmy Saville. BBC covered up Jimmy Savile’s child abuse because he was friends with Prince Charles
- Retired Satanic Ritual Abuse therapist Valerie Sinason on her new novel ‘The Orpheus Project’ based on true stories about ritual Satanic abuse. Epstein and the secret services. The Orpheus Project, by Valerie Sinason (2022)
- Spike Milligan accepting a BAFTA lifetime achievement award at the 1994 British Comedy Awards. When compère Jonathan Ross reads out a congratulatory letter from Prince Charles Spike calls him a ‘grovelling bastard’.
- Monty Python’s ‘The Holy Grail’ – King Arthur meets anarcho-syndicalist. King Arthur: Old woman! Dennis: Man. King Arthur: Man, sorry. What knight lives in that castle over there? Dennis: I’m 37.
- ‘Ode to Charles Sausage Fingers’ this week’s poem by Patrizia Opulenza.
- Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit | Evolution | We are in a war between God, and Lucifer | Armageddonists I have known: George Monbiot | Nick Land
- Drone targets Kremlin. Freedom of speech lessening. Russia Says the US Was Behind Drone Attack on the Kremlin – likely fired from nearby –
- Afshin Rattansi, Going Underground RT, interviews Seymour Hersch about the Nord Stream 2 pipeline sabotage, and Russophobia.
- Lavrov at UN – Russia vetoing and Israel not complying with resolutions.
- Afshin Rattansi, Going Underground RT, interviews John Perkins, author of ‘Confessions of an Echttps://politicsthisweek.wordpress.com/2023/05/05/not-the-bcfm-politics-show-presented-by-tony-gosling-138/

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