Ultramarathon in the Dark!

2 years ago

Each and every year, one of the world’s most beloved bugs visits Ohio – proudly announcing their arrival with random sparks and flickers of glowing neon throughout the summer sky.

Join us as we welcome and celebrate the most efficient light in the world… the firefly! (nearly 100% of the energy in the chemical reaction within the fireflies light organ is emitted light… it’s true)

Whether you’re looking to set a distance PR or just looking to run in the dark with some friends, “The Firefly Overnight Endurance Challenge and Sunset & Sunrise 10k” will offer you that opportunity with 12-hours of fully supported, overnight-racing throughout the ONLY trail in central Ohio built BY runners, FOR runners! Wait, what?!?! Overnight!?!?! Yes!

The Firefly Overnight Endurance Race, sponsered by Fleet Feet, took place on part of the Rocks and Roots Trail at Alum Creek State Park in Lewis Center Ohio. The challenge was to see how many 6.4 mile loops a person could complete from 8pm through 8am, 12 hours of night running/hiking! I once again was joined by Terry Boardman who brought his entire family to particpate in this all night long race. There was also a sunset and sunrise 10k for those who chose not to go all night. Camping was available in the group camp area of Alum Creek SP.

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