Uncovering Anomalies Podcast (UAP) - Episode 17 - Skinny Bob

1 year ago

Recorded on March 27th, 2023 - this week's show slightly differs from our usual "current news" format. This time we do a deep dive into Skinny Bob - an alleged footage leak depicting crashed saucers and alien beings. Is it a hoax? Is it real? Find out on today's episode of UAP.

We thank this site for providing the bulk of the information: ⁠https://skinnybob.info/⁠ and the various Redditors and Subreddits that contributed to solving this mystery.

The original uploader of the footage can be found ⁠here⁠: https://www.youtube.com/@ivan0135/videos

More resources:
- 2011 Skinny Bob video analysis ⁠here⁠: https://www.howandwhys.com/skinny-bob-alien-videos-forensic-analysis/
- YouTuber shocked at the quality of the footage ⁠here (https://youtu.be/d_uqAZW5YF0)⁠ and part 2 ⁠here⁠ (https://youtu.be/d_uqAZW5YF0).
- Email from alleged leaker of the Skinny Bob footage ⁠here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3MG98mVbpY&t=188s)⁠.
- Alien allegedly found frozen in Canada ⁠here (https://www.youtube.com/@Etrangesvideos)⁠.

Follow us on Twitter ⁠here (https://twitter.com/UAPthePodcast) - Adam runs that account - and Topher ⁠here (https://twitter.com/topheritall)⁠.

UAP is sponsored by the ⁠CBD Online Store (https://cbd-online-store.com/)⁠, home of the best ⁠CBD gummies⁠, ⁠tinctures⁠, ⁠creams (https://cbd-online-store.com/product-category/cbd-creams)⁠, ⁠vapes⁠, and ⁠smokes⁠. All independently tested for purity and potency.

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