Cheat Sheet for V-SHAPE UPPER BODY (Wide Back)

1 year ago

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Let’s see the keypoints, the right implementation:

* Grab the bar with shoudler width or slightly wider, overhand grip. Grab the bar with our thumbs as well.
* Do passive hang, relax your shoulders, simply just hang.
* If you are using a lower bar, bend you legs.

This is the starting position. A simple passive hang.

* From here, essentially, with the right scapula activation which is pre- or continuous depression and adduction on the top, you need to pull up yourself in full range of motion until your chest touches the bar.
* You can imagine that there is a connection between your chest and the bar, like a rope and someone is pulling you up or you are pulling the rop down to you chest, or there is a magnet on your chest that the bar attracts. With these in mind, you have a better chance to the right implementation.
* Your elbows need to move next to your body, don’t turn them out! Your upper arm should be in about 45 degrees to your trunk during the movement, this is how you can reach the optimal implementation and balance between the muscles working.
* As I mentioned, depress your scapulas, but as your chest is getting closer to the bar you need to adduct them as well to be able to touch the bar.
* You can imagine that you crash an orange or walnuts between you scapulas and with your arms or you can also focus on the elbow movement that you need to drive down then behind your body.
* Keep your head naturally in line with your body.
* Keep your body straight, tight, don’t bend forward or backward.
* Keep you legs closed, extended or bent with pointed toes.
* After you touch the bar with your chest, do the eccentric part controlled, and descend to the starting position to passive hang.

The tempo should be minimum 1 seconds concentric phase and 1 seconds eccentric phase with a moment pause in the upper and lower end-point.

In the beginning it’s okay if you pull strongly and touch the bar only for a nanosecond. The point is that you have the full range of motion.

In terms of breathing, we usually exhale in the concentric phase and inhale in the eccentric phase, but while doing the pullups due to the nature of the movement, you can reverse this, or you can do delayed breathing, and by holding breath, you can do the repetition while maintaining the abdominal pressure.

You can build up the strength for the pull-up with using different elastic bands, holding the upper end-point and doing negatives, with leg assistance or jumps. But before don’t forget to do the inverted rows with the proper implementation.

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