11 days before the COVID injections arrive in Highschool, Saskatchewan Canada

1 year ago

May 20th, 2021
Nazi Nutana Collegiate school principal calling city cops to arrest at school and investigate child TWICE for speaking about COVID with his peers.
This was the first attack/unlawful detainment of Evan Freedom on May 20th.

Even Freedom arrested TWICE for talking with classmates, JUST a WEEK and half before the mass injections of children of Saskatchewan started in schools and walk-in clinics.

The police facilitated these injections harm / crimes against the children from 2nd June 2021, in many ways, this was one of many.

The context of this video, which is a part of few videos I took in this occasion, which originally was meant, as Evan Freedom mother suggested, to assemble and give Evan Freedom a warm welcome from the day in the police cell.

Press release by Concerned Parents Saskatchewan to be added.

A recent interview with Evan Freedom from an undisclosed location will be uploaded soon.

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