Texas Going On Fascist Voter Suppression Spree

1 year ago

Jasmine from Texas calls in because she is concerned about the voter suppression efforts being made by Texas Republicans through bills such as SB 990 and HB 2390, which make voting more expensive and inconvenient, and SB 1933, which allows the appointed Texas Secretary of State to take over local elections they "believe" had an irregularity. Bills such as SB 1907, SB 1911, and SB 1950 threaten election workers with jail time and felonies for unintentional errors, while SB 2 upped the penalty and removed the intent clause for mistakenly filling out a voter registration form to a felony.

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Caller from an 832 area code. Who's this? Where are you calling from? Is this me? Yes, this is you. Oh hi. This is Jasmine from Texas. Jasmine from Texas. What's on your mind? Well, I wanted to call in for two quick things. One of the first things is sorry I'm a little nervous. I wasn't expecting you to get to my call with that long guy about the other thing. But I just wanted to say that you guys are a huge reason that I'm a leftist today. I started watching you guys about three years ago. And I absolutely love the work that you do. I'm a huge fan. super excited. So thank you, guys, for everything you do. You've definitely converted somebody who used to be like a Centrist libertarian Vibe into a total leftist. So you at least got one. excellent. Thank you so much. of course. my other thing is and I know you guys are trying to do something a little bit more lighthearted. So sorry to bring down the mood again. But I've been really sort of trying to sound the alarm Bells about this. And I'm not sure if you guys covered it last week or not. I wasn't really watching the show. but last week Texas passed the Texas Senate excuse me passed SB 1933. And that one would allow the state legislator, the state Secretary of State, to take over elections from counties. And they previously tried to do this with other ones specifically targeting Harris County and Houston where I used to live. In Austin now. And as somebody who voted in 2020 using some of the expanded things. I did drive-through voting. Honestly, if they hadn't had drive-through voting I wouldn't have been able to vote at all. And I can't even imagine other people who for whatever reasons you know work, which is what my issue was, driving through voting just stayed open later wouldn't be able to vote. So they're you know just trying to take that away and they're trying to Target bigger counties. And like it's so nefarious because a lot of the language is specifically targeting bigger counties. This latest bill actually I think is a little bit broader. And it has more to do with whether anybody can sort of send a complaint to the Secretary of State about what's going on with elections and then they can take it over. But it's really just a masked way to say, "Hey, all you, you know, red voters in Bluer places complain to us and we'll take it over. And what's really about it is also taking over voter registration. So it's not even just like the running of the election itself. It's also registering people to vote, being able to stay, being able to, you know, look at voter rolls and say things like this doesn't seem right to me just because they happen to be more blue or something like that. So yeah, I just wanted to call in and mention that. I don't know if you guys have talked about it previously. But I hadn't seen that. I did see that the legislative legislature I got here somewhere in Texas also just passed like another like. Oh, here it is.

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