Lightworker or Starseed - Are you feeling stuck, lost and like you don't want to be here anymore?

1 year ago

Lightworker or Starseed - Are you feeling stuck, lost and like you don't want to be here anymore?

You're not alone BUT instead of giving up when we most need you here, what if I could explain to you why you're feeling this way and tell you that it doesn't have to be this way...

Sure there are changes to come in the time ahead, but what if we could do the inner healing work now so that the change that comes is everything we dreamed of...

What if the change that comes is that the Lightworkers and Starseeds fully step into their power, embody their soul and fulfilling their purpose so that we CAN actually create and experience Heaven on 5D Earth/Tara.

What if we actually become a Force To Be Reckoned With and we actually got this job done. Are you with me?

Join my upcoming online Spiritual Development Class coming on 11th May 2023.

The focus for this class is :
The False Ascension Matrix / False White Light Teachings / Twilight Masters

I'll explain why you feel stuck and can't get ahead and why it feels like all of your work over the years still hasn't lead you to where you thought you'd be by now. We'll talk about the traps that are woven into the New Age teachings that are deliberately designed to keep you just slightly off your true path but not quite enough so that you realise it. And much more... we'll go in depth with this so make sure to bring all your questions!

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