The Spiritual Tsunami Coming”: Part 3 “The Physical & Spiritual Manifestation of What is Coming”

1 year ago

This video is a warning to everyone that there is an impending physical Tsunami that is coming this year in 2023, to kick off the great Tribulation that is going to enable the two beasts of Revelation 13 to rise to power out of the chaos and destruction that is coming. During this time, the world will also experience a spiritual tsunami that is going to turn the sea of humanity to wormwood, where people will no longer have compassion for one another, when the human host body becomes a vessel for all evil to occupy, which will be the time of the Female Rival.
This reality began when the first seal of Revelation 6:2 was opened and when the White Horse of Revelation 6:2 started to go forth conquering and will continue until these medications and the “Mark of the Beast” is forced on the entire world. “And I saw and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer”.
In this four-part video series, I explain that the “Bow” that rider of the White Horse in Revelation 6:2 has, is part of the International Eugenics Congress Conferences that were held in 1912, 1921, and 1932, which was a global venue for scientists, politicians, and social leaders to plan and discuss the application of programs to improve human heredity in the early twentieth century. But in reality, this was the beginning of the agenda to turn the human host body temple/tabernacle back into “cedars”, described in Isaiah 9:10, so that you can no longer hold the living waters of the Holy Spirit, which is the “abomination that causes desolation” that the prophet Daniel prophesied about, and the human race will become a vessel for all evil to occupy.
“The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.” - Isaiah 9:10,
Once you understand that the “Bow” that rider on the White Horse has in Revelation 6:2, is a third strand of DNA that is from the original creation in Genesis 1 from “the spirit of God (H430): Elohim: Angels, gods of the Supreme God, moving on the face or the waters”, that produced the original wild, fierce, raging creation of the natural man in Genesis 1:26 that was grown by germination, when Elohim changed the glory of the incorruptible God, which was and angel, into an image made likened to a corruptible man and birds, and four footed, beast, and creeping things” described in Romans 1:23, this will open up the entire Bible like never before and you will be understand and witness how the enemy’s plan is being made manifest in the reality around you, that you haven’t been able to see.
I’m going to explain to you, how the Lord revealed to me the cypher for understanding the enemy plans and timeline, that began with the arrival of the Statue of Liberty in 1885 in NYC, which in reality is a symbol of liberty for all the rebellious angels that left their first estate in heaven and transgressed against our heavenly father, to start this flesh temporal system, that he Lord God is going to take vengeance on. And all the way through to this year in 2023, when the United Kingdom and the United States will be destroyed by a nuclear tsunami and the hoover dam will be destroyed by a manufactured earthquake, which will be the symbolic birthing event of two beast of Revelation 13 and the Antichrist. This will enable the white horse of Revelation 6:2 to continue to go forth and conquer, until these medications and the “Mark of the Beast” is forced on the entire world out of the chaos and destruction that is coming.
And you will be able to see everything that has been hidden in the dark, being manifest right in front of your eyes, in advertisements, commercials, movies, and world events, to manifest what is occurring at a spiritual level inside the human host body, which is all designed to cause the “abomination the causes desolation” inside the human temple, so that you cannot be redeemed back to heaven from where we came from. And so that Satan can transmute your soul into his end times demonic army of Locust that are going to be birthed from the pit, described in Revelation 9, to war against the Lord God and his angels. This is what this entire world is all about and I’m here to warn you that Judgement is coming, so you need to repent and turn back to your Heavenly Father before it’s too late.
Peace and Grace.

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